Web development and promotion

We are a passionate and dedicated digital agency. Since 2019, we have been creating perfect websites, engaged in promotion and marketing.

What are we doing?

Since 2019, we have been devoting ourselves to creating amazing and attractive digital products, we are engaged in complex promotion, we bring your brand interaction with users to a new level.

We develop websites taking into account web design trends, well-thought-out structure and clear usability.

A website or an application, an advertising campaign or a promotion strategy - we will take on everything and manage, the main thing is that your product is honest, humane and environmentally friendly.

Some Epique numbers


Years of experience


Successful projects




Terabytes of content

Site types

Our team has an overdeveloped sense of beauty, but we are also well versed in marketing, so your project will not just be a work of art, it will be functional and selling. Attractive “appearance” and impeccable content are our principles when developing websites.

Landing page


400 €

Online business card


600 €

Corporate website


900 €

Online store


1500 €



3500 €

Benefits of our sites

Individual approach

We always immerse ourselves in the client's business, we create not a typical carbon copy product, but a unique solution for the market leader.

Website content

We prepare thoughtful content that makes your site interesting for potential customers.

Unique modern usable design

An outdated, cumbersome, "uncomfortable" design can have a bad effect on the company's image. Of course, beauty is subjective, but the "beauty" of a website design can be measured by the conversion rate. We create websites harmoniously shifting your corporate identity to a user-friendly interface, give recommendations on "optimizing" your corporate identity, and develop a corporate identity for you from scratch.

Адаптивность под любые устройства

In 2022, 80% of traffic comes from mobile devices. If your site is not mobile friendly, you lose up to 4/5 of your customers. Therefore, adaptive layout for us is an integral part of any project. Tablet, laptop, desktop computer, mobile phone, our sites will look perfect on any screen resolution.

Convenient CMS

You will be able to independently change, add and delete content, publish news, edit interactive materials such as maps, carousels, capture widgets, feedback forms, online chats.


Site performance is one of the key conversion indicators. According to statistics, if the site does not load to a readable form for more than 4 seconds, 85% of visitors leave it. Our experienced developers optimize the code to avoid the "heaviness" of the site and not lose potential customers.

Marketing component

All our projects involve not only web designers, designers and programmers, but also marketers, SMM specialists, directologists, SEO specialists and copywriters. Therefore, our sites are not just "beautiful pictures", but also working according to all the rules of Internet promotion.

High conversion

Our sites are characterized by a high conversion from visits to targeted actions (calls, filling out feedback forms), and, consequently, an increase in sales.

Stages of creation

When creating a site, it is important that at the very beginning an exact procedure is developed, in which case the chances of an error are reduced to almost zero


Brainstorming with a client representative


Thinking through the concept, analysis based on the information received




Preparation of prototypes and navigation, taking into account the needs of users


Design. We draw page layouts and web elements for sites


Responsive layout of all pages and site elements


Development of the technical part of the site


Setting up a content management system


Launch and testing


Customer training


Site stabilization after project publication

How do we work


Diving into the client\'s business


Developing a comprehensive strategy


Setting up analytics


Studying the audience


Selecting effective tools


Placing ads


Analyzing efficiency


Managing based on KPI

Benefits of working with us

Team of professionals

We have extensive experience in implementing our ideas in the context of large projects and start-ups.

Individual approach

We prepare unique solutions for each client.


We strictly adhere to the deadlines. We are not afraid to take on super-complex tasks in the face of uncertainty.

Our projects

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Working hours:

Mon - fri from 10:00 to 19:00